About Me

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British Columbia, Canada
Born and raised in Mission, BC. Love the outdoors and doing anything active! Currently a Junior and member of the men's golf team at the University of Kansas.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Then and Now

I started golfing when I was 6.  I joined the Junior program at Valley Golf Centre in Abbotsford and started taking lessons.  When I was 8 I started playing in tournaments (Fred Wellesby Optimist, Junior LInksters, Little Masters, Maple Leaf Junior Tour).  And I've played ever since.  More lessons, more tournaments, multiple sets of new golf clubs, club memberships, etc. etc. etc.

And now, 8 years later. . .

This summer I played golf almost every day, as well as working at two golf courses - Cedar Ridge and Sandpiper.  The highlight of my 2011 season was qualifying for the Callaway Junior Worlds in San Diego, California in July at the River Walk Golf Course.  I qualified in my age division (13-14 years) by shooting 3 under par at a local tournament.  I had the time of my life at the Worlds and had a great experience.  I golfed okay, but definitely could have done better.  Nerves were a factor!  I'm definitely going to try to qualifiy again!  The 15 and up division plays at Torry Pines!

I also played in the Walhroth Cup match play tournament in Bellingham, WA - Canada vs. USA.  That was a lot of fun too. 

And then of course the BC Juvenile Championships in Powell River at Myrtle Point Golf Course in August.  Another good experience.

I'm heading off to Kamloops as part of the Zone 3 Ryder Cup team in a couple of weeks.  And then a tournament or two on the Northwest Tour - Semiahmoo for sure, in October.  Looking forward to that.

I'll keep you updated with my scores and how things went.

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